Stumpy Gardens

9cRgkrGceOur lovely beautiful co-op, with its two acres of land, has many trees to look at and behold.  But alas trees, with all their beauty and glory, require one thing we didn’t plan on: maintenance.

A concerned owner wrote a stinging letter to the BOD complaining about all the stumps on the back side of the property, referring to our co-op as “Stumpy Gardens”.  One owner got so frustrated she planted a rose bush in front of a stump to try and decorate the area. This stump had been sitting there for years.

Now the Board is more upset over that rose bush being there than the stump that has been hanging out for decades!

Welcome, Secretary aka Prison Bitch

So,  Anna ran for the BOD and won. She was very excited to be giving back to her community. And making use of her background in cooperatives.  Once elected to the BOD she soon realized what a rude awakening she was in for.


First of all the directors’ duties are all over the place. As Secretary Anna learned that she would be doing pretty much everything. The President, Vice President and Treasurer kind of just hang out. The Treasurer kind of just waits for management to tell her what to say. She has no knowledge of finance or accounting. When Anna asked about this, she was told that wasn’t necessary, “we have management to do that.”

Yikes_Green_TextAnna’s role as Secretary role is that of a Prison Bitch. She is doing all the grunt work: preparing all the documents for meetings, distributing information to all Board members, walking paper documents to every resident, etc.  It’s insane. People can’t even be bothered to pick up their own documents. They expect and demand Anna to deliver them to their doors like a servant. There is always some excuse: “I don’t have a computer, I don’t have email, I can’t walk up steps.” Even dropping things off at the management office is a problem somehow. Folks claim they won’t know when the office is open. It’s insanity and pure laziness.

Most boards share responsibilities per their elected roles, and if the Secretary does the most work (which does happen), it ain’t so lopsided as all that.  The amount of work Anna is doing EVERY DAY is like preparing for a quarterly board meeting with 8-10 board members for a corporation; not for a small housing cooperative Board of Directors.

There’s a demand for minutes to be almost verbatim, which honestly is NOT standard, and when it IS required, it’s recorded and transcribed, because how the hell else would you do that. I mean, that’s why courts have stenographers.

The president, Geriatric, doesn’t even have an email address yet, nor any knowledge of how to work on a computer. I am not sure how that is even allowed in this day and age, but it is absolutely true. Time for some minimum requirements for running for the Board. I mean come on now.

UPDATE:  Once Anna resigned (after serving for 9 months–far too long for the abuse she suffered), the alternate board member who took over her role suddenly started looking haggard all the time, and deeply stressed.


ANOTHER UPDATE:  That woman opted the f**k out as soon as annual elections were up, and the new board Secretary turned out to be Sheila.  It wasn’t long before Fred was harassing her, going on and on about “Oh these minutes are not accurate” and “Oh this is too much info” and “Oh this is not enough info” and “Oh you are supposed to use white paper for this and goldenrod paper for that”.  Fred, btw, is nothing more than a fellow board member, but since he held the role of Secretary for several years (and is almost completely the reason that role is so unbelievably f**cked up), he feels that he knows it best.  Yeah, guess what fool–you have no idea how the world works.

And yeah, Sheila is looking haggard too these days.  Fred has even gone so far as to try to have her booted off the board, citing incorrect minutes or some other hoo-ha like that.  Oh Fred–we feel for your sad life…



What constitutes a hoarder in a co-op?  Well, I suppose one could argue that it is as simple as too much stuff in your home.  However, I’m going to go with the camp that says hoarders have problems on so many levels it’s hard to comprehend.

Luckily, if you live in a place with iron-clad rules and so many restrictions it makes your head spin, I think you’re safe from having a neighbor like that, right?  After all, “Beyond the psychological impact of the disorder, the accumulation of trash and clutter can attract animals, create public health and hygiene violations, and result in fire hazards. Obviously, these are issues that could affect the broader neighborhood.” (Thanks, Nolo.)

Or not.

CoolClips_vc007804Here’s a list of my neighbor’s doings:

  • Has failed annual inspection at least twice.
  • Has had groups of volunteers (who all look sick) helping her unload the trash from her apartment.
  • Has been reported that she had bugs.
  • Pictures exist (I’ve seen them) of her bathroom filled with dumpster trash–shower is full to the ceiling.
  • Uses the co-op’s Community Center to urinate, defecate and shower, because she can’t access her own bathroom.
  • Was caught dumpster diving on many occasions.
  • Car is piled high with trash everywhere except driver’s seat.

Now, I’m not sure if there is anything in the bylaws about car maintenance.  But, it really does bring down market value as well as home maintenance you know.  This hoarder is in violation of at least 2 of these things.  Angela, the manager, is aware too. But nothing is done.  As for the car storage part, notices were sent out a few months ago about the car policy, but enforcing it more than that?  Nothing.
Clip-Art-Cluttered1Here’s where it gets really good:

Hoarder qualifies to be evicted from the co-op, fully receiving her buy-in back (hopefully minus clean-up and renovation costs, but who knows).  Well, she somehow catches wind that the BOD is preparing to kick her out, and she runs to our local legal aid office to get a free lawyer to sue the co-op.  Now, keep in mind that she has failed inspection more than enough times to be evicted, even with warnings before inspections.  Suddenly nobody can ever find her to let her know she’s got 60 days to get out.  The only time you see her is with her lawyer………OR with one of the BOD members:  Sheila.

Sheila has basically helped Hoarder be one step ahead of the BOD.  Not sure what the definition of conflict of interest is (ok, yes I am), but this is unreal.

It gets better:

The lawyer advised the BOD that they had a 70% chance of winning in court. In cases like these that is a good percentage.

The BOD, scared of being sued, backs down completely, and allows Hoarder to stay.

Happy Dumpster Diving.