About This Crazy Site

Where do you live?

You could live in an apartment or a house, a condo or a mobile home, a cabin or a boat, or even a hotel.  You could choose a commune, a tent, a hot air balloon, or Eeyore’s house of sticks.

Any of these would be better choices than a co-op.

Do you or have you lived in a co-op?  If so, I hope you enjoy this site.  This site contains tales from co-op living that I sincerely hope are far, far worse than any tales you have to tell.  Because, you know, if they are not worse than these tales….run.  Leave your furniture and clothes behind.  Just grab your cat (if you were allowed to have one) and take off.  Don’t let the co-op-approved-regulated door hit you on the way out.


NOTE:  names, locations, and other locatable details have been changed to protect the cray-cray

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